Conjugation of the simple present simple present The construction of the simple present (Present Simple) in English is really easy, has the structure:

(I) [HOLD] + [VERB] (in infinitive without to) 

To bearing in mind:

If the subject is 3 ª person of the singular one adds a "-s" to the verb.
Let's see as example the conjugation of the verb " to live "  in simple present: 

liveyo vivo
you livetú vives
he / she / it livesél / ella / ello vive
we livenosotros vivimos
you livevosotros vivís
they liveellos/ellas viven

  • Special case: " - it is " for 3 ª it presents
For the verbs ended in " - or ", "-sh", "-ch", "-ss", "-x", "-z", " - and " it is added " - is " instead of "-s for 3 ª person of the singular one ".

Let's see later some examples:

VerboTercera personaSignificado
to gohe goesél va
to wishhe wishesél desea
to reachhe reachesél alcanza
to expresshe expressesél expresa
to fixhe fixesél arregla
to kisshe kissesél besa
to buzzhe buzzesél murmulla




Change the verb into the correct form:
1. London  (be) in England.
2. The summer  (be) hot.
3. She  (drive) very well.
4. They  (open) the store at 8:00.
5. Linda  (be) a very pretty girl.
6. I  (have) several jobs.
7. Water  (boil) at 100 degrees.
8. Water  (freeze) at 0 degrees.
9. My sister  (speak) English.
10. He  (have) a big apartment.
11. A triangle  (have) three corners.
12. My birthday  (be) in June.
13. Books  (have) pages.
14. Dogs  (be) good friends.
15. I  (work) hard.

Choose the correct form.
  1. We sometimes  books.
  2. Emily  to the disco.
  3. It often  on Sundays.
  4. Pete and his sister  the family car.
  5. I always  to the bus stop.

Form of Affirmative Sentences 

Put the verbs into the correct form.
  1. (to like)  lemonade very much.
  2. The girls always (to listen)  to pop music.
  3. Janet never (to wear)  jeans.
  4. Mr Smith (to teach)  Spanish and French.
  5. You (to do)  your homework after school

Negative Sentences

Make negative sentences.
  1. My father makes breakfast. → 
  2. They are eleven. → 
  3. She writes a letter. → 
  4. I speak Italian. → 
  5. Danny phones his father on Sundays. →  

Make questions.
  1. you / to speak / English → 
  2. when / he / to go / home → 
  3. they / to clean / the bathroom → 
  4. where / she / to ride / her bike → 
  5. Billy / to work / in the supermarket →  
  1. 1. They  hockey at school. (to play)
  2. 2. She  e-mails. (not/to write)
  3. 3.  you  English? (to speak)
  4. 4. My parents  fish. (not/to like)
  5. 5.  Anne  any hobbies? (to have)
  6. 6. Andy's brother  in an office. (to work)
  7. 7. Leroy  very fast. (can/not/to read)
  8. 8.  Jim and Joe  the flowers every week? (to water)
  9. 9. Yvonne's mother  a motorbike. (not/to ride)
  10. 10.  Elisabeth  cola? (to drink)


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